I am going to reopen 731 as the solution is not complete. I was using LeaveTest instead of
ConcurrentNonOverlappingTest to verify a fix.
On 2010-11-10, at 11:03 AM, Manik Surtani wrote:
On 10 Nov 2010, at 13:09, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:
> On 2010-11-08, at 9:01 AM, Mircea Markus wrote:
>>> Shouldn't you count down after receivers have applied the state, and have
then ack'd that this state has been applied? Rather than when the state has been
picked up?
>>>> State provider awaits on a latch for a
>>>> given view id and a timeout. When await returns it drains the tx log.
>>> Rather than a countdown latch, wouldn't you rather maintain a
synchronized set or something with the addresses of the recipients, and you only proceed
when this set is empty? Tighter control rather than a simple countdown.
>>> Also, how do you plan on dealing with exceptional circumstances, e.g., a
receiver node crashing before sending this ack? Would that not block the entire rehash
process? Or would the node crashing cause a new view change, which will abort the
LeaveTask (interrupt) and cause it to start all over again?
>> +1 that's something we should be prepared for.
>> That makes me think about an more interesting problem as well: what happens when
a node crashes in the middle of tx log draining? Not sure the tx log can revert itself to
the initial state, can it? Again something we should look into.