We expect the same semantic as a RDBMS in READ_COMMITTED. getGroup() would be equivalent
to a select * from ASSOC_TABLE where owner_id = 2. Phantom reads would be acceptable.
Does that answer your question? Because I’m not sure what you mean by the key being
attached to the Tx.
On 06 Jun 2014, at 14:38, Pedro Ruivo <pedro(a)infinispan.org> wrote:
Hi Davide,
what kind of transactional semantics are expected? when you invoke
getGroup(), do you expect the keys to be attached to the transaction (in
the read-set). same question for removeGroup()
On 05/28/2014 11:52 AM, Davide D'Alto wrote:
> Hi all,
> some time ago we talked on the mailing list about the integration
> between Hibernate OGM and Hot Rod.
> To achieve this we would need to include the grouping API in the Hot Rod
> protocol and to add a couple of methods in the grouping API:
> - to get the keys in a group
> - to remove the keys in a group
> Mircea created an experimental stub where the method " <G, KG>
> getGroupKeys(G group) " is added to the Cache interface.
> I've rebased the branch to the latest changes (I might have introduce
> some errors):
> I should have implemented the methods but I haven't had the time to work
> on these features.
> There are also two issues to keep track of this:
> As far as I know, the API for Infinispan 7 is going to be freezed soon,
> I was wondering if this changes have been taken into account and,
> if not, is it possible to include them?
> Thanks,
> Davide
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