And for the distributed executor API, how's this as an alternative (suggested by
Eduardo earlier)?
DistributedExecutorService extends ExecutorService [1], adds overloaded methods of
submit(Callable) with submit(Callable, K...). In keeping with the ExecutorService
contract, submit() will ensure the Callable is executed just once, on any one node. We
could add a submitEverywhere(Callable) and submitEverywhere(Callable, K...) to mean
execution on _all_ nodes.
Also ships with a DistributedCallable which extends Callable, adds setCache() and
setEmbeddedCacheManager() setters. If the callable is a DistributedCallable, then these
setters are called before; otherwise just do
On 11 Jan 2011, at 14:18, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:
On 11-01-11 10:28 AM, Manik Surtani wrote:
> Hi there.
> Lets take the 2 API sets (M/R and distributed exec) separately:
> M/R
> * Why does MapReduceTask extend Set? It probably shouldn't even
> extend DistributedRemoteTask, since some methods such as
> execute(Callable) doesn't make sense for MapReduceTask. Perhaps a
> common super-interface? That alone should simplify the generics...
Leftover that I did not catch. I meant Map<K1,K2> instead of
Set<Map.Entry<K2, V2>>; it does not extend Set it just constraints one
of the type parameters :-)
Completely agree on common parent that has the common setters for
various task aspects.
> * Why does return a Map? [1] Shouldn't it return a single
> transformation for a given K and V?
Yes, I thought so too but how would we then match intermediate keys for
reduce phase. Our plumbing has to find all the same
transformed/intermediate keys returned from a map phase and then invoke
the reduce phase.
> * Reducer.reduce()'s return type should not necessarily be the same
> type as the mapped transformation. Also, does the reducer really need
> the key? Surely just the transformed version of each K/V pair.
Yeah, when we solve the above this should fall into place.
> * Similarly, Collator.add() should just need the address and the
> reduced result from each node (each node would only produce 1 result!)
> DistExec
> * Why do you have execute() and executeAsync() with no params? What
> do these methods do?
In case user provided Factory for DistributedCallable. We have to handle
cases where simple no parameter constructor for callables is not
sufficient - hence factory. Now that I think about it maybe adding K...
input as a parameter to call function of DistributedCallable makes more
sense, or no? WDYT?
> * Not sure what DistributedTaskContext is all about. What does read()
> and write() do? Is this meant to be a "layer" in front of the cache
> in question? Why not just pass in a ref to the cache?
> * What does Factory do?
Creates DistributedCallables. See above.
> Almost there! :-)
> Cheers
> Manik
> [1] How many times can I say "map" in one sentence? :)
Thanks Manik. Almost there :-)
infinispan-dev mailing list
Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan