Aren't we investing a bit too much time to this? The trace level
cached for ages, has anyone ever complained?
I have.
Looks like I just never copied it over to the ISPN JIRA. :)
We do it all the time when there's no better option to debug an issue.
(generally for as short a period as possible if it's production)
but that info (or, I'd say 80% of
that) is very useful when debugging race conditions etc., so it makes
sense to keep it there and reduce the cost to minimum.
My 2c
On 10/03/2016 03:25 PM, Dan Berindei wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 3:58 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne(a)> wrote:
>> I've not looked at any such details but I always assumed that since the
>> logger frameworks (any of them) need to be able to change the logging level,
>> there must be some way of switching state - at least a volatile read?
>> And while that could be very cheap, I doubt it would be as easily optimised
>> as a constant.
> True, at some point you need a volatile read -- you can only avoid
> that by caching isTraceEnabled(), like we do in Infinispan.
> My point was related to this assembly instruction, which reads the
> ordinal of Level.TRACE:
> 0x00007f93951e9fdf: mov rdi,0x76d4e6d48 ; {oop(a
> 'org/jboss/logging/Logger$Level')}
> 0x00007f93951e9fe9: mov ebp << missing an operand here >>; -
> java.lang.Enum::ordinal@1 (line 103)
> ; -
> org.jboss.logging.JBossLogManagerLogger::translate@8 (line 58)
> ; -
> org.jboss.logging.JBossLogManagerLogger::isEnabled@5 (line 35)
> ; - org.jboss.logging.Logger::tracef@4 (line 287)
> ; - org.infinispan.MyBenchmark::tracef@7 (line 26)
> ; -
> org.infinispan.generated.MyBenchmark_tracef_jmhTest::tracef_thrpt_jmhStub@15
> (line 113)
> In an ideal world, the JIT would replace translate(Level.TRACE) with a
> constant. But here, even though `0x76d4e6d48` is clearly a constant,
> the ordinal is still loaded and checked every time.
>> Since we might not be interested only in the logger method to be inlined, we
>> also want most of the client methods to be considered for inlining.. some of
>> these can be extremely sensitive so such a decision requires a full
>> Infinispan performance test rather than a microbenchmark. (which is useful
>> too but more for the sake of optimising JBoss Logging, not to proof if it's
>> OK to switch all of Infinispan 's internal conventions)
> Based on the testing both myself and Radim did WRT inlining, it
> doesn't make a huge difference. But I agree 100% that before removing
> the isTraceEnabled() caching we'd have to benchmark the whole of
> Infinispan, and not just JBoss Logging in isolation.
> Cheers
> Dan
>> On Mon, 3 Oct 2016, 13:45 Sebastian Laskawiec, <slaskawi(a)>
>>> Awesome Dan! May I ask for a Pull Request:
>>> On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 2:40 PM, Dan Berindei <dan.berindei(a)>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Sebastian
>>>> I modified your benchmark so that the logger and the trace field are
>>>> static final and looked at the generated assembly with JITWatch [1].
>>>> Based on the attached assembly listings, caching isTraceEnabled() in a
>>>> constant field is "infinitely faster", because there are no
>>>> instructions that can be traced back to the test method.
>>>> JBossLogManagerLogger::translate() is inlined in this listing, but it
>>>> still goes through the switch machinery, I'm guessing because the
>>>> ordinal of an Enum is not considered a constant.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Dan
>>>> [1]:
>>>> On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Sebastian Laskawiec
>>>> <slaskawi(a)> wrote:
>>>>> Hey!
>>>>> Please have a look at the latest perf test results [1][2]:
>>>>> Benchmark Mode Cnt Score
>>>>> Error Units
>>>>> MyBenchmark.noVariable thrpt 20 681131269.875 ±
>>>>> 3961932.923 ops/s
>>>>> MyBenchmark.withIsTraceEnabledCheck thrpt 20 676307984.921 ±
>>>>> 14305970.393 ops/s
>>>>> MyBenchmark.withVariable thrpt 20 2411000894.582 ±
>>>>> 17382438.635 ops/s
>>>>> I think there is no surprise here.. using a field, which stores the
>>>>> result
>>>>> of `logger.isTraceEnabled()` evaluation is 3 times faster than other
>>>>> options.
>>>>> If anyone is interested in printing out JIT stuff, I also ran it
>>>>> "-XX:+PrintCompilation", "-XX:+PrintCompilation2"
>>>>> "-XX:+PrintInlining"
>>>>> here [3].
>>>>> I'm not a performance expert but it seems that JIT could not
inline the
>>>>> "translate" method because of its size (see line 1861).
However it
>>>>> tried
>>>>> several times with different optimizations (and some of them were
>>>>> thrown
>>>>> away - "made not entrant" messages [4]).
>>>>> Let's wait for James' opinion on this, but I think we should
>>>>> this
>>>>> issue on JBoss Logging/LogManager side (so I agree with David here)
>>>>> make
>>>>> those parts inlinable (wow, does this word even exist? :D). Once
>>>>> is
>>>>> done, we could experiment further in Infinispan codebase and see how
>>>>> this
>>>>> relates to some real world benchmarks...
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Sebastian
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2] Test repository:
>>>>> [3]
>>>>> [4]
>>>>> On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 7:32 AM, Sebastian Laskawiec
>>>>> <slaskawi(a)>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey!
>>>>>> Adding James to this thread.
>>>>>> @Dennis - I think Dan has a point here. The trick with checking
>>>>>> field in
>>>>>> a class is 3 times faster. Most of the checks are done in core so
>>>>>> are
>>>>>> executed multiple times per operation. Changing all those places
>>>>>> probably
>>>>>> not an option.
>>>>>> @David - Let me run a test with JBoss Log Manager and get back to
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> some results. But if Dan is right, and the problem is with enum
>>>>>> mapping, I
>>>>>> will get similar results.
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Sebastian
>>>>>> On Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 11:53 AM, Dan Berindei
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:15 PM, David M. Lloyd
>>>>>>> <david.lloyd(a)>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The performance problem that this trick is meant to
resolve is
>>>>>>>> really a
>>>>>>>> problem in the logging backend. It *should* be faster
inside of
>>>>>>>> WildFly, where JBoss LogManager is used, because that
project just
>>>>>>>> checks a single volatile field for the level check... and
the path
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> that code *should* be inline-friendly.
>>>>>>> Indeed, we started using this trick because of log4j 1.2,
which needs
>>>>>>> to walk the logger hierarchy in order to check the level, and
it made
>>>>>>> a significant difference there.
>>>>>>> Nowadays I think it's pretty close to optimal in all
>>>>>>> frameworks. The only nitpick is that they all use enums for
>>>>>>> levels, and the JIT can't inline Level.TRACE.value as it
would with a
>>>>>>> Level.TRACE_VALUE int constant. If JDK9 fixes that, then
it's going
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> be more or less equivalent to using a volatile
"trace" field in each
>>>>>>> class, so it should be suitable even for local read
operations that
>>>>>>> take < 200ns.
>>>>>>> We'd probably still need to weed out some of the trace
messages, as
>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>> probably have more than 10 of them during such a read
operation. I
>>>>>>> confess that I added way too many trace logs myself,
>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>> I knew we are using a static final field and the JIT compiler
>>>>>>> even generate code for that branch.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Dan
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