Right, I understand now. Definitely something to look into and see if it can be
optimised... something for 5.x
Btw, your explanation would be a great addition to the distributedSyncTimeout config
setting, people have asked it in the past -
http://community.jboss.org/message/546285#546285 - I'll add it asap to the code.
On Mar 10, 2011, at 2:47 PM, Manik Surtani wrote:
Yeah the processing lock in this case is on the Transport, which is
shared by multiple caches. The lock is used to maintain a coherent transaction log during
state transfer or rehash. Which means >1 cache cannot perform a rehash or state
transfer at the same time. We may be able to loosen this constraint, but this needs
careful thought. Create a JIRA for it?
In the meanwhile just make sure your state transfer or rehash timeouts take this into
On 10 Mar 2011, at 10:48, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
> Hi,
> Re:
> I suspect here that the Hot Rod topology cache state transfer is competing with, most
likely, the rehashing of distributed caches for the cluster wide distributed lock.
> Can someone (Manik?) remember why is this needed if clearly these two caches are
> Cheers,
> --
> Galder Zamarreño
> Sr. Software Engineer
> Infinispan, JBoss Cache
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Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan
infinispan-dev mailing list
Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache