by Radim Vansa
I see that short timeout (500 ms) is an often cause of random failures
in CI. The original issue (ISPN-4772) raised this from 100 to 500; could
we increase this on CI even further, to, say, 3 seconds? It's
configurable via a sys property
Radim Vansa <rvansa(a)redhat.com>
JBoss Performance Team
7 years, 9 months
NoSuchMethodError in Spark simple tutorial
by Galder Zamarreño
Hey guys,
The Spark Java simple tutorial [1] tutorial does not work as is due to some dependencies mix up.
If you run that class, with the dependencies defined in the pom.xml, you get:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.infinispan.client.hotrod.logging.Log.tracef(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ljava/lang/String;II)V
The dependencies are defined as:
Looking at the dependency tree, I see this:
[INFO] +- org.infinispan:infinispan-spark_2.11:jar:0.4:compile
[INFO] | +- org.infinispan:infinispan-client-hotrod:jar:9.0.0.Alpha4:compile
[INFO] | +- org.infinispan.protostream:protostream:jar:3.0.5.Final:compile
[INFO] | | +- org.jboss.logging:jboss-logging:jar:3.1.4.GA:compile
That logging jar seems an old one, it should be 3.3.x. I worked around this by doing:
@Adrian Are the dependencies of the latest protostream versions in line with the infinispan hot rod client ones?
@Gustavo, Once there's a client version which depends on a protostream version that fixes this (if there's not one already...), can you release a 0.5 alpha/beta/cr version?
[1] http://infinispan.org/tutorials/simple/spark/
Galder Zamarreño
Infinispan, Red Hat
7 years, 9 months
Deprecate collection methods on DataContainer interface
by William Burns
Recently while looking at the DataContainer interface and implementation it
was noticed that the entrySet, values and keySet methods that return
collections are very inconsistent. The big issue is whether these methods
return expired entries or not and if they are backing or copies etc. It was
suggested [1] to deprecate these. I am all for this. I was looking at the
references to these methods and they all can be replace with using the
proper iterator and forEachRemaining instead.
I just wanted to confirm if everyone is alright with me deprecating the
collection methods on DataContainer interface for 9.0 Final.
- Will
7 years, 10 months
ConcurrentMap new methods implementation
by Katia Aresti
Hi all,
Since Java 8, some new methods are available in the ConcurrentMap
interface: merge, compute, computeIfAbsent, computeIfPresent, forEach,
replaceAll. ConcurrentMap interface provides a default implementation.
I'm working on https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-5728 in order to
provide the infinispan specific implementation. The issue here is that to
make it work, these lambdas must be Serializables, so actual code using
these methods and not passing serializables lambdas will break.
I see two possibilities here, please fell free to suggest any other idea.
1) Override the default implementation and specify on the release that all
the lambdas must be serializables from now on ... ?
2) Leave the implementation of the default methods as they are and provide
new methods implemented the infinispan way :
V compute(K key, V compute(K key,
SerializableBiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ?
extends V> remappingFunction)
What do you think ?
-- Katia
7 years, 10 months
Ryan Update
by Ryan Emerson
Hi All,
I was on PTO last Friday and this Monday, hence I missed the weekly meeting.
Last week I mainly worked on implementing partition handling merge policies.
As well as:
- Re-working ISPN-7065 Collect clustered memory statistics based upon feedback.
- Updating JDBC shared store docs ISPN-6798
- Fixing console log events ISPN-7629
- Reviewing PRs
This week:
- Review PRs
- Continue with Partition Handling merge policies
7 years, 10 months
by Tristan Tarrant
because of the amount of pending changes, I'd like to release 9.0.0.CR4
on Wednesday 22nd and Final next week.
Opinions ?
Tristan Tarrant
Infinispan Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
7 years, 10 months
AffinityPartitioner: enable by default please?
by Sanne Grinovero
Hi all,
the explicit approach which we introduced with the AffinityPartitioner
is extremely useful in most use cases for Embedded mode.
I sent a PR on 18 Aug 2016 [1] to make this feature enabled by default
so that people could benefit from it w/o needing to set it explicitly
but it was not merged on the basis that it wouldn't be trivial to
implement the same for Remote caches.
Could we reconsider this please? I agree it's not easy to implement
this same feature for remote, but this feature is not as important to
have in remote mode, while its value is very high in embedded mode.
I think we could agree that this first step is both very useful and
harmless for embedded mode, so let's please merge it?
[1] - https://github.com/infinispan/infinispan/pull/4521
7 years, 10 months
My update
by Adrian Nistor
Hi all,
I've been on PTO most of last week and returned to active life only on
Thursday. I've been hiding in the shadow exercising my writing talent
(yuck) on documenting query and also cleaned up some jira issues:
ISPN-7300 fixing negative occurence (-) when used with boolean expressions
ISPN-6713 RemoteQueryDslConditionsTest.testIsNullNumericWithProjection1
no longer fails after Lucene upgrade
ISPN-7002 NPE in DelegatingQuery when deployed in Wildfly 10.1.0.Final
I also spent some time with ISPN-7580, which is a proposal from Teiid
for modifying Protostream in order to allow dynamic entities, much like
what OGM needs too. I like the idea and understand the need for this but
so far the solution is a bit hacky so I'm reluctant to merge that change.
7 years, 10 months