Protobuf metadata cache and x-site
by Galder Zamarreno
We have an issue with protobuf metadata cache.
If you run in a multi-site scenario, protobuf metadata information does not
travel across sites by default.
Being an internal cache, is it possible to somehow override/reconfigure it
so that cross-site configuration can be added in standalone.xml?
We're currently running a periodic job that checks if the metadata is
present and if not present add it. So, we have a workaround for it, but
it'd be not very user friendly for end users.
6 years, 8 months
JDK 11 Early Access build 8 available
by Rory O'Donnell
Hi Galder,
**JDK 11 EA build 8, *****under both the GPL and Oracle EA licenses, is
now available at ****. **
* Newly approved Schedule, status & features
* Release Notes:
* Summary of changes
*Notable changes in JDK 11 EA builds since last email:*
* Build 8:
o If you have a library that uses the Selector API heavily then
now would be a good time to test it out. [1]
* Build 7
o The VM option "-XX:+AggressiveOpts" is deprecated in JDK 11 and
will be removed in a future release.
* Build 6:
o JDK-8193033 : remove terminally deprecated
sun.misc.Unsafe.defineClass. Users should use the public
replacement `java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup.defineClass`
which was added in Java SE 9. [2]
*SURVEY: The HotSpot Serviceability Agent (SA) *[3]
* If you have used, or have (support) processes that utilize the
Serviceability Agent or related APIs, then we would definitely
appreciate if you would complete this survey:
Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland
6 years, 8 months
Public cluster discovery service
by Sebastian Laskawiec
Hey Bela,
I've just stumbled upon this:
The Etcd folks created a public discovery service. You need to use a token
and get a discovery string back. I believe that's super, super useful for
demos across multiple public clouds.
What do you think about that? Perhaps we could implement an ETCD_PING and
just reuse their service or write our own?
6 years, 9 months
CLI hangs for huge cache if RocksDB is used
by Sergey Chernolyas
I am using RocksDB Cache Storage. I faced with problem that CLI/Web hangs
long time before open information about all caches.
I uploaded to one cache 30_000_000 objects. Last versions of RocksDB has
property 'rocksdb.estimate-num-keys'. The property contains count of keys.
I supported the property in method RocksDBCacheStore.size .
But ... performance of CLI/Web changes a little.
How I can fix a problem with CLI/Web performance ?
A lot of thanks!
With best regards, Sergey Chernolyas
6 years, 9 months