On 13-01-28 6:56 AM, Manik Surtani wrote:
Now lets consider what JSR 107 needs. Similarly named, the feature in JSR 107 serves a
completely different purpose, and this is referential integrity. Think database-style
isolation (repeatable read, etc) where concurrent threads holding object references to the
same value, and mutating the same value, are not visible until a commit.
I originally thought that Infinispan's storeAsBinary can be used for this, but
apparently not without some additional changes/tweaks. Maybe we need:
1) A new config option for this behaviour. <storeAsBinary defensive="true"
/> ?
2) If enabled, maybe use a subclass of MarshalledValue (DefensiveMarshalledValue?) that
*always* stores a byte[] and never caches the object representation?
What do you think?
I think we need this asap as we can not push forward jsr impl without
it. We might use eager instead of defensive. Seems we like that word a
lot and have it in other config options but essentially I had the same
thing in mind as Manik.