I am starting to like this thread more and more :-) In conclusion, for
distributed executors we are not adding any new APIs because Callable
implementers can already write to cache using existing API. We don't
have to add any new elaborate callback/listener API either as users have
not requested but should investigate Hadoop Reporter like interface to
allow users some sense of task current execution phase.
For map/reduce we will add a new method:
public void execute(Cache<KOut, VOut> resultsCache);
Using fluent MapReduceTask API users would be able to specify an
intermediate cache:
public MapReduceTask<KIn, VIn, KOut, VOut> usingIntermediateCache(String
We are not adding MapReduceTaskExecutionListener but more like JMX stats
for the MapReduce tasks in general: like average execution time, count
etc. Also the ability to cancel a running task through JMX/JON would be