On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 7:37 PM, Galder Zamarreño <galder(a)redhat.com> wrote:
On Feb 22, 2012, at 5:26 PM, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
> On Feb 22, 2012, at 1:00 PM, Manik Surtani wrote:
>> On 22 Feb 2012, at 10:05, Galder Zamarreño wrote:
>>>>> For 2, imagine a client that starts a remote cache manager, signs up
for notifications in cache C, and has 50 threads interacting with cache C concurrently
(so, 50 channels are open with the server). I don't want the server to send back 50
events for each interested cache operation that happens on the server side. 1 notification
should be enough. This is one of the reasons I want "option #1".
>>>> Yes, the server definitely needs to be smart enough to identify multiple
connections from the same client, and this also needs to be distributed.
>>> +1, but the question is, how do you define "same client"? This is
what I was getting to with "origin" earlier (a way to identify cache managers).
You can't assume that a client IP to differentiate between different clients cos you
could have multiple Hot Rod clients running independently in a machine.
>>> If you have any other ideas, I'm happy to hear
>> Each client could be assigned a UUID when it first connects… and subsequent
messages could include this UUID in a header. Hmm, could get expensive though.
> Hmmm, not sure that could work. It's the client that knows whether two channels
belong to the same client (i.e. two channels generated by same remote cache manager for
> So, I'm inclined to think that such ID should be generated by the client itself.
If you wanna avoid sending it with each request, you'd have to assume that there's
a first-request where that info comes, and assume that for the rest of the time the
channel is open, that won't change. This is a fair assumption but complicates clients
cos they need to differentiated between the first and any subsequent requests.
> I'm investigating other possibilities.
Btw, I'm reading
http://sigops.org/sosp/sosp11/current/2011-Cascais/10-adya-online.pdf which talks about
Google's Thialfi client notification service and they have a similar mechanism.
"When present, the optional source parameter identifies the client that made the
change. (This ID is provided by the application client at startup and is referred to as
its application ID.) As an optimization, Thialfi omits delivery of the notification to
this client, since the client already knows about the change."
So, they go for the option of providing this logical ID on startup and then be able to
avoid sending the notification to the originating node.
I think we could add this app or logica id as part of the add/register listener call and
avoid sending it with all operations. Tbh, only those nodes that have register a listener
care about knowing the event was generated locally or not, and only those care about not
receiving notifications in all their channels.
So, I think this could work.
You could send the client id only with ping requests and force the
client to send a ping request when it first connects to the server. (I
think it already does.)