I added new ideas, because the ones on that page were outdated, not
feasible, really hard or not useful to us:
ISPN-57 support GAE: according to the comments, the security policy on
GAE prevents us from doing most things
ISPN-46[2-6] Handle HTTP & EJB session on other app servers: we know
through Paul how difficult this is :)
The visualization one would be really nice to have. As for the proof of
correctness... :)
On 04/02/2015 14:20, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
On 2 February 2015 at 07:30, Bela Ban <bban(a)redhat.com> wrote:
> +1000. This would be very useful, not just for support, but also for
> developers, to see if the data flows they see are the ones the expect
Problem: I added that "Visualization and tracing of messages between
nodes" 4 years ago on the wiki.
Rather than adding new ideas we should work on a strategy to get it
done; some volunteer to lead it?
@Tomas : +1 to have a visualizer on the Infinispan Management Console,
but I'd also want to be able to enable a creation of such a trace
without needing to run a console.
For example it would be useful to have a utility method to use in our
unit tests, which is able to assert how many network round trips are
expected to be triggered by running the test. I think this would be
quite straight forward by injecting a custom JGroups protocol.
> On 29/01/15 05:55, Tomas Sykora wrote:
>> Hello :)
>> As one of those who successfully used Infinispan related topic for diploma thesis
I am a big fan of this initiative.
>> Radim had an idea about capturing, visualizing and storing a history of
inter-node communication. I personally feel that Infinispan Management Console could be
possibly the right "platform" where to gather, store and visualize such a kind
of information. This can also be used for demonstrative purposes (but not only!).
>> Maybe we would need "a hook" from JGroups (other components?) to gather
needed data more easily. Radim's intention was mainly driven by the idea of having
ability to see inter-node communication clearly in order to be able to find corrupted
message/data flow and spot complicated bugs while one does not need to grep through
gigabytes of text-logs.
>> I can definitely do a research about what is possible, what would be needed and
provide more information or even define the topic of diploma thesis itself in the future.
Then I can try to ask students at faculty if anyone would be interested.
>> Thanks!
>> Tomas
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Tristan Tarrant" <ttarrant(a)redhat.com>
>>> To: "infinispan -Dev List" <infinispan-dev(a)lists.jboss.org>
>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 10:38:58 AM
>>> Subject: [infinispan-dev] Student / Contributor projects
>>> Hi all,
>>> I was told that our student/contributor project page is awfully
>>> out-of-date, so we're in need of a big refresh. We should also move that
>>> page to the website.
>>> Here are some ideas I have collected:
>>> - ISPN-5185 Add topology headers to the RESTful server
>>> - ISPN-5186 intelligent (L2/L3) Java REST client
>>> - ISPN-5187 Node.js HotRod client (either pure-Javascript or based on
>>> the C++ client)
>>> - ISPN-5188 Support for JSON as indexable/queryable objects using the
>>> ProtoBuf schema definitions (this could be extended to XML too)
>>> - ISPN-5189 Allow setting a "computing" function (using JDK 8's
>>> on a cache so that entries can be computed on-demand when they are
>>> missing/expired
>>> More ideas please
>>> Tristan
>>> --
>>> Tristan Tarrant
>>> Infinispan Lead
>>> JBoss, a division of Red Hat
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> --
> Bela Ban, JGroups lead (
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