That sounds nice.
Where Is the transactionalManagerLookup going to be defined? There was
a Hibernate Search user who needed batching and no transactions on a
cache, and the JBossTM on other caches, so he ended up explicitly
wiring the Lucene cache to the DummyTM using the
Since I don't see why someone would like to use different TMs for
different caches, other than in that case, maybe we could
1) make the transactionalManagerLookup a global section option to be
applied to all caches.
2) The combination NON_TRANSACTIONAL + Batching should NOT use the
same global TM but always look for the Dummy implementation.
On 12 September 2011 16:40, Mircea Markus <mircea.markus(a)> wrote:
ATM a cache is marked as transactional by setting the transactionalManagerLookup,
transactionalManagerLookupClass or enable batching.
This is a bit hard to explain/clumsy and also doesn't work well with the xml config:
if one wants the default cache to be transactional and a named cache not to be, it would
have to specify an empty transactionManagerLookup attribute - not nice.
So an alternative would be to have an explicit "isTransactional"
One way to do it is to add a "mode" attribute under the transactional element:
Somehow similar to the clustering element's mode attribute.
Pete is there an JSR-107 for the above enum? I looked for it in both the spec and API but
couldn't find one...
How does this sound?
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