On Aug 3, 2011, at 6:36 PM, Pete Muir wrote:
I'm having a read through it. I'm fixing some stuff and maybe adding links to
other parts, such as archetypes.
More comments below...
We start with a couple of introductory chapters - a brief overview of what Infinispan
offers, instructions for how to download and install infinispan, and instructions on the
GUIDemo (as it helps people visualise whats going on). We then move on to the bulk of the
guide, in which I want to address the most common reasons people want to try out
* Infinispan as a standalone (local) cache. This also serves as the simplest way to get
started with Infinispan, hence it's position at the top of the list!
* Infinispan as a data-grid, running from plain Java SE, in either replicated or
distributed mode
* Infinispan as the 2nd level cache for Hibernate
* Accessing Infinispan remotely
* Using Hot Rod
* Using REST
* Using memcached
* Using Infinispan inside a JBoss AS 7 cluster
* Using Infinispan inside another server (e.g. Tomcat, GlassFish)
and finally a common topic
* Monitoring Infinispan
In my experience this represents 95% of the reasons people want to look at Infinispan, so
we should hopefully get most people up and running with their use case quickly with these
I've built up the tutorials for the first two cases (distributed mode is missing)
from the old tutorials to give you an idea of the style, level and content that the other
tutorials would contain. Each tutorial would be acompanied by a quickstart (example,
sample) that contains the code discussed in the tutorial and is runnable. You can find
snapshots of the quickstarts zip at
https://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/view/Infinispan/job/Infinispan-Quickst... - this will
appear on
ci.jboss.org at some point under the job name "Infinispan-Quickstart"
but the publishing queue appears to be temporarily broken ;-)
Any comments, thoughts etc.? Are we missing a common use case? Is the explanation too
practical and doesn't explain concepts properly?
Once we get this contents flushed out, I would like to get a few volunteers to help with
writing up the guides and quickstarts - someone for each topic. I'll help out with
editing etc. of course :-)
A few notes:
* I've moved the Scala and Groovy stuff out (to the user guide) as I just don't
believe this is really of great interest to the majority of people thinking of using
* I haven't migrated the monitoring Infinispan content from SBS, as I think Galder
was working on this?
Again, this content is in another space that is not Infinispan :( - why do people keep
moving wikis from one space to another? can't you link?
Anyway, glad to move this content over. I like the idea of quickstarts but a monitoring
one requires downloading RHQ, so that'd be a decent size bundle.
What's the timeline for having all this finished?
* I haven't linked in the GUIDemo stuff as I want to discuss
where this should live with everyone
infinispan-dev mailing list
Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache