Hi all,
As you might already know, there's been big debates about upcoming Java 9 module
Recently Stephen Colebourne, creator Joda time, posted his thoughts [1].
Stephen mentions some potential problems with all jars since no two modules should have
same package. We know from past experience that using these jars as dependencies in Maven
create all sorts of problems, but with the new JPMS they might not even work?
Have we tried all jars in Java 9? I'm wondering whether Stephen's problems with
all jars are truly founded since Java offers no publishing itself. I mean, for that
Stephen mentions to appear, you'd have to at runtime have an all jar and then
individual jars, in which case it would fail. But as long as Maven does not enforce this
in their repos, I think it's fine. If Maven starts enforcing this in the jars that are
stored in Maven repos then yeah, we have a big problem.
Galder Zamarreño
Infinispan, Red Hat