On 7 Jul 2011, at 09:32, Galder ZamarreƱo wrote:
> * The wiki "home page" is now the SBS document view, as
all documents in the Infinispan space are wiki content (design docs, notes etc.). This
means we no longer need to manually maintain a contents page for the wiki :-)
Some categories have been created but these are empty so far? Only "Design
Documents" has a document in it.
Yes. I was just experimenting to see how it works :-) It doesn't work quite right atm
as you've discovered. I'll chat to Libor and Mark to see how quickly we can get
categories to be useful.
And how do you get back to the overall article view once you've
clicked on a category? It keeps coming back to the category selection you have. The only
way to get out of it is to manually edit the URL and remove the extra bits on it that make
it select that category (WTF!)
Yeah, this view is no use right now. I'll work with the .org team to get this fixed