On 12 Jul 2010, at 16:12, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
I'm attempting to debug a cache which should be configured in sync,
but doesn't pass this trivial test when using the latest 4.1 snapshot:
nodeOne.put("key1", Integer.valueOf(7));
assert Integer.valueOf(7).equals(nodeTwo.get("key1")) ;
Is the cluster
formed for sure(enforce that with BaseDistFunctionalTest.rehashWaiter).
unless I introduce a short delay between the put and the get.
Of course when debugging it won't fail, I see the picked configuration
is the correct one;
I see useReplQueue=false, mode = DIST_SYNC, and the following interceptor chain:
>> org.infinispan.interceptors.InvocationContextInterceptor
>> org.infinispan.interceptors.CacheMgmtInterceptor
>> org.infinispan.interceptors.DistTxInterceptor
>> org.infinispan.interceptors.NotificationInterceptor
>> org.infinispan.interceptors.CacheLoaderInterceptor
>> org.infinispan.interceptors.DistCacheStoreInterceptor
>> org.infinispan.interceptors.DistLockingInterceptor
>> org.infinispan.interceptors.DistributionInterceptor
>> org.infinispan.interceptors.CallInterceptor
any ideas to what else I could check?
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