Hello :)
As one of those who successfully used Infinispan related topic for diploma thesis I am a
big fan of this initiative.
Radim had an idea about capturing, visualizing and storing a history of inter-node
communication. I personally feel that Infinispan Management Console could be possibly the
right "platform" where to gather, store and visualize such a kind of
information. This can also be used for demonstrative purposes (but not only!).
Maybe we would need "a hook" from JGroups (other components?) to gather needed
data more easily. Radim's intention was mainly driven by the idea of having ability to
see inter-node communication clearly in order to be able to find corrupted message/data
flow and spot complicated bugs while one does not need to grep through gigabytes of
I can definitely do a research about what is possible, what would be needed and provide
more information or even define the topic of diploma thesis itself in the future. Then I
can try to ask students at faculty if anyone would be interested.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tristan Tarrant" <ttarrant(a)redhat.com>
To: "infinispan -Dev List" <infinispan-dev(a)lists.jboss.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2015 10:38:58 AM
Subject: [infinispan-dev] Student / Contributor projects
Hi all,
I was told that our student/contributor project page is awfully
out-of-date, so we're in need of a big refresh. We should also move that
page to the website.
Here are some ideas I have collected:
- ISPN-5185 Add topology headers to the RESTful server
- ISPN-5186 intelligent (L2/L3) Java REST client
- ISPN-5187 Node.js HotRod client (either pure-Javascript or based on
the C++ client)
- ISPN-5188 Support for JSON as indexable/queryable objects using the
ProtoBuf schema definitions (this could be extended to XML too)
- ISPN-5189 Allow setting a "computing" function (using JDK 8's lambdas)
on a cache so that entries can be computed on-demand when they are
More ideas please
Tristan Tarrant
Infinispan Lead
JBoss, a division of Red Hat
infinispan-dev mailing list