On 26 Jan 2012, at 22:42, Manik Surtani wrote:
I really didn't want to do this, but it looks like a 5.1.1 will
be necessary. The biggest (critical, IMO, for 5.1.1) issues I see are:
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1786 - I presume this has to do with a bug Mircea
spotted that virtual nodes were not being enabled by the config parser. Which meant that
even in the case of tests enabling virtual nodes, we still saw uneven distribution and
hence poor performance (well spotted, Mircea).
2. Related to 1, I don't think there is a JIRA for this yet, to change the default
number of virtual nodes from 1 to 100 or so. After we profile and analyse the impact of
enabling this by default. I'm particularly concerned about (a) memory footprint and
(b) effects on Hot Rod relaying topology information back to clients. Maybe 10 is a more
sane default as a result.
There is one now:
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1788 - config parser out of
sync with XSD!
https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1798 - forceReturnValues parameter in the
RemoteCacheManager.getCache() method is ignored!
I'm sure there will some others as community starts reporting! but that's good as
we can provide a quick release for the main issues.
these ^^ are already in master so we can include them straight away.
this looks like a low prio, as doesn't have an impact on the functionality
pull request sent, so
IMO makes sense.
What do you think? Anything else you feel that is crucial for a 5.1.1? I'd like to
do this sooner rather than later, so we can still focus on 5.2.0. So please respond asap.
As everybody is in the performance min set, I think the following issues, in this
order, would be a quick win:
I don't think implementing them would take more than a week's time, and their
impact on performance is massive. During this week we can also gather and fix the most
critical issues raised from 5.1.Final.