Forgot some information:
This log is related to a test run using SHARED_LOOPBACK instead of
UDP, but had the same issues with UDP.
Configuration of JGroups:
I have some logs attached.
As mentioned this test is in a loop, and at each step the number of
nodes changes by one. It's even being unnecessarily careful, since
it's waiting for the new view to be installed before actually doing
any write/read operation.
It starts with 1 node, then grows up to 6, then shrinks to 1, and
repeats this loop AFAIR 17 times. It's currently hung, I think
deadlocked, at the last line of the attached logs.
On 7 February 2012 13:13, Radoslav Husar <rhusar(a)> wrote:
> I am also seeing this/similar exception in AS7 during session
> replication even with 5.1.1.FINAL :-(
> On 02/07/2012 01:54 PM, Dan Berindei wrote:
>> Sanne, this sounds very similar to
>>, but I thought I had fixed
>> that for 5.1.1.FINAL.
>> I see CacheViewsManagerImpl is trying to install a view with 6 nodes,
>> should there be 6 nodes in the cluster or should there be less nodes?
>> Do you have DEBUG logs for org.infinispan and org.jgroups?
>> Cheers
>> Dan
>> On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 12:58 PM, Sanne Grinovero<sanne(a)>
>>> Can anyone explain this error?
>>> I'm updating Hibernate Search, and having a simple test which in a loop
>>> - write to shared index
>>> - add a node / remove a node
>>> - wait for joins
>>> - verifies index state
>>> This is expected to work, as it already did with all previous
>>> Infinispan versions.
>>> Using Infinispan 5.1.1.FINAL and JGroups 3.0.5.Final.
>>> 2012-02-07 10:42:38,668 WARN [CacheViewControlCommand]
>>> (OOB-4,sanne-20017) ISPN000071: Caught exception when handling command
>>> CacheViewControlCommand{cache=LuceneIndexesMetadata,
>>> type=PREPARE_VIEW, sender=sanne-3158, newViewId=8,
>>> newMembers=[sanne-3158, sanne-63971, sanne-20017, sanne-2794,
>>> sanne-25511, sanne-30075], oldViewId=7, oldMembers=[sanne-3158,
>>> sanne-63971, sanne-20017, sanne-2794, sanne-25511]}
>>> java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException:
>>> org.infinispan.remoting.transport.jgroups.SuspectException: One or
>>> more nodes have left the cluster while replicating command
>>> StateTransferControlCommand{cache=LuceneIndexesMetadata,
>>> type=APPLY_STATE, sender=sanne-20017, viewId=8, state=4}
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