I have spent some time with this over the weekend, and here is where I
think we stand:
The main reason why we needed the @NonVolatile annotation and the
ability to rewire components prior to starting is because JBC had a 2-
stage start sequence (create() followed by start()), and in between
these 2 stages the configuration could have changed. This doesn't
apply to Infinispan anymore.
The other reason this was important is to be able to restart a cache,
after stopping it. This still applies to Infinispan. I have
revisited the code and the reasons for rewiring. Since there is no
create phase anymore, we don't need to rewire every time a cache
starts, only if it had been stopped before. And as such, a lot fewer
components need to be marked as @NonVolatile - only a bare minimum
critical set of components that are needed to bootstrap the starting
of a cache after it has been stopped.
Also, I have renamed @NonVolatile to @SurvivesRestarts, to be a bit
more specific about its purpose, and also to break away from the old
intention of @NonVolatile in JBoss Cache 3.x. I have updated the
javadocs of @SurvivesRestarts accordingly as well.
Please have a look, and let me know what you think.
Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan
Lead, JBoss Cache