Emmanuel, good stuff on getting this done.
Looking at the code, it seems like all entities are stored within the same Infinispan
Cache instance called "ENTITIES". In the second level cache we separate each
entities 2LC cache into a separate cache instance? I think the latter would make it easier
to support situations where certain entities are deployed in classloader isolation and
some others are not, and might make it easier to define eviction/expiry settings on a per
entity type.
I cloned the code last week but cannot find OgmcollectionPersister.class ??
On Jan 6, 2011, at 11:19 AM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
After being gently reminded by Manik several times, I've finally
sat down and wrote a page on Hibernate OGM.
It contains several sections:
- how to use
- how to contribute
- what is supported
- architecture
The wiki went wild, so if you edit it, copy it first (I know the text is blank on blank,
go figure) in your favorite text-only editor and then paste back in a Wiki Markup
infinispan-dev mailing list
Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache