I am progressing with my implementation of total-order-based commit
protocol for the partial replication mode, and I would be grateful if
you could help me understanding how the write skew check is implemented
in ISPN.
Assume the scenario in which a node, say n1, that owns a data item d
receives a prepare message for a transaction, say T, originated on
different replica n2.
Of course write skew check is enabled.
After n1 acquiring the lock on d, it should check whether the value of d
read during T's execution is still the most recently committed one.
I may be missing something here, but looking at [1] (lines 160 to 168)
and [2] at copyForUpdate method, n1 is reading twice the value of d that
is locally stored (once in line 160([1]) to create the
RepeatableReadEntry and a second time in line 52([2]) to do the write
skew check).
I would have expected that the node that originated the transaction
would send the values that it read (before writing them) in piggyback
with the prepare message, in order to allow the "owners" to perform the
write skew.
INESC-ID Lisboa, sala 511