On Aug 3, 2011, at 6:36 PM, Pete Muir wrote:
I have drafted this out at
We start with a couple of introductory chapters - a brief overview of what Infinispan
offers, instructions for how to download and install infinispan, and instructions on the
GUIDemo (as it helps people visualise whats going on). We then move on to the bulk of the
guide, in which I want to address the most common reasons people want to try out
* Infinispan as a standalone (local) cache. This also serves as the simplest way to get
started with Infinispan, hence it's position at the top of the list!
I like the way you grab lines of code from files in Git. It'd be nice though if there
was a way to directly see the raw or github version of the file to be able to see the
whole file. Any idea if that's possible?
Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache