Hi Ondra & Vladimir,
I am also very keen to see Reducer.reduce be allowed to return a different
type than it accepts if it is possible. I was previously looking at using
infinispan's map reduce to replace hazelcast to run reports in a seam 2 app
but was put off by this and another issue that I think has been resolved
Brent Douglas
On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 1:49 AM, Vladimir Blagojevic <vblagoje(a)redhat.com>wrote:
Hi Ondra,
On 12-01-02 9:40 AM, Ondra Nevelik wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was supposed to write an arbitrary app with Infinispan so I wanted to
rewrite one of my programs that is implemented using Hadoop MapReduce to
have a comparison of performance between the two.
> However the way MapReduce is done in Infinispan right now greatly limits
the number of problems that can be solved with it - there is a reduce phase
on local data on each of the compute nodes to decrease the amount of data
transferred. There is a "global" reduce after that. This means that the
types of input keys/values has to be the same as output types and that
differs from the original MapReduce concept.
This is simply not true!
> A possible solution would be to use a "combiner function" (see [1])
instead of the local reduce phase so that the amount of data transferred
could still be reduced(if applicable)(e.g. the WordCount example would
still use the reduce function as the reducer) but it will be possible to
have different input and output types. As I went briefly through the code
of classes from mapreduce package I think there even won't be much work
> What do you think? Is this idea worth implementing?
Possibly. I have not looked into combiner function. Sanne has mentioned
it before and he might have further comments!
> [1] part 4.1 of
> Ondrej Nevelik
> Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
> Purkynova 99 612 45 Brno, Czech Republic
> mobile: +420 724 520 140
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