More comments from Alexey. Should have kept him on the cc from the beginning.
On 2010-05-12, at 1:09 PM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
On 5/12/2010 5:18 PM, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:
> Thanks a lot Alexey. I think that we are going to follow the approach outlined below.
Please have a quick look for my reasoning and see if it is flawed.
It's alright. About the namespace, actually it's a matter of personal taste and
reasoning. E.g. have a look at the following namespaces from other JBoss projects. They
are not URL-based and some do include the version in the namespace. Users switching from
one version to another will still have to just adjust the namespace. Or maybe even not
doing that if your unmarshalling layer could recognize the previous configuration version
by itself.
registerEntity("urn:jboss:aop-beans:1.0", "aop-beans_1_0.xsd");
registerEntity("urn:jboss:javabean:1.0", "javabean_1_0.xsd");
registerEntity("urn:jboss:javabean:2.0", "javabean_2_0.xsd");
registerEntity("urn:jboss:policy:1.0", "policy_1_0.xsd");
> If you are interested maybe we can collaborate on a project that we made for
automatic configuration HTML reference file generation. We used annotated XML
configuration pojos, along with a bit more additional metadata attached to each field to
automatically generate configuration HTML references. Have a look at:
Not sure whether I'll get involved but I think it could be useful for other projects
as well. Is it a separate standalone project?
> Best regards,
> Vladimir
> On 2010-05-12, at 11:11 AM, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> After consultation with Alexey I think the following emerges as the best approach
for management of xml schemas, configuration pojos and configuration file backward
>> We should remove references to schema version in namespace and we might even
rename namespace to something like "" and use a
prefix "ispn" rather than tns. We could roll this in 4.1 final release. We leave
4.0 schemas as is, but 4.1 signifies a break and a new schema name-spacing that we intend
to keep. How do we treat customer who want to use their 4.0 configuration files in 4.1? We
tell them to remove references to old namespace from their configuration files. Thanks to
ISPN-431 they are not affected.
>> Since we removed references to configuration version in schema, as far as our
configuration beans go, we are fine as long as we add properties to elements and even
adding new configuration elements in ok. In essence, we are fine as long as we do not
remove/rename existing attributes and elements from our configuration pojos. Adding new
elements to configuration will still work. For example, lets say that 5.0 adds some
configuration elements regarding JPA. Reading 4.1 configuration file in 5.0 is ok since we
kept all those elements from 4.1 in 5.0, and for JPA element default configuration
settings are initialized anyway.
>> Let me know what you guys think.
>> Vladimir
>> On 2010-05-11, at 5:43 PM, Alexey Loubyansky wrote:
>>> Hi Vladimir,
>>> yes, that's tricky. I can't say we have an elegant solution for
>>> I can't tell you what we do wrt EJB metadata (ejb-jar.xml/jboss.xml) as
an example.
>>> For jboss.xml we have common JBossMetaData.
>>> It contains binding annotations but w/o the schema-level ones such namespace,
etc. Then per schema version we create a top level class, e.g.
>>> There we specify the namespace and which properties we want to bind. So,
actually, for some schemas common JBossMetaData contains more metadata than it is
available in those schemas but those properties are just not bound for those schema
versions. But the deployers regardless of the deployment descriptor version deployed use
the same JBossMetaData API.
>>> In this case, though, it's only for the top-level class (root element).
Although, we could have some tricks for other classes/elements as well.
>>> Other metadata (sub)projects (web, ear, rar, etc) use the same approach.
(There are also tests for consistency between XSD/DTD and Java bindings, i.e. structural
>>> What is a bit different, we don't include schema version in the
namespace. Schema versions are different but the namespace stays the same. The same is
true for JEE spec schemas.
>>> But even if we did, the current approach would still work.
>>> If you have some tricky cases/requirements then let's discuss them on the
forums. It might be relevant to other projects as well.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Alexey
>>> On 5/11/2010 9:46 PM, Vladimir Blagojevic wrote:
>>>> Hi Alexey,
>>>> Need an advice regarding best practices when it comes to XML schema
management and references in configuration files. In infinispan project we have used JAXB
annotated classes to annotate configuration pojos, automate manage configuration loading,
and do schema creation. We have used the files annotated with JAXB
annotations to declare schema namespaces[1]. Then in turn we have generated XML schema
file using JAXBContext#generateSchema.
>>>> The current namespace is urn:infinispan:config:4.0, but this will change
to urn:infinispan:config:4.1, urn:infinispan:config:5.0, etc in the future. What are our
options for configuration file backward-compatibility?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Vladimir
>>>> [1]