It is Ion on our side, thank you for the heads up.
On Mar 27, 2014, at 9:28, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel(a)> wrote:
Hey guys,
Sanne and Hardy are working on the OSGi-ification of Hibernate Search and it does not
come without trouble.
Who is leading this effort on the Infinispan side? I recommend you start early in a
release cycle because you will have to butcher APIs and packages to do it properly. Worse,
you will suffer from you dependencies.
Brett has offered to help you but I know for sure he won’t lead it. He would be more like
a good expect to talk to.
Bilgin has shown a Camel integration prototype but he also seemed to imply that he had
some significant problems that needed Infinispan improvements.
Also, I’m not quite sure but looking at these Camel routes, they seem to be very URI
driven. If we want to support query over a Camel route and express them via a URI, we will
need a string based query language. I might be talking nonsense and somehow the query is
written in Java. But better anticipate. Bilgin would know more, he has written in his demo
CamelInfinispanOperationQuery after all :)
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Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (