These are completely orthogonal issues (configuration and setup). Module
configuration bean loads configuration from XML into object tree and
does nothing else! Cache factory, component registry and such should
allow module developers an easy way to additionally setup created cache
given a configuration.
I am not sure if we have such API but if not we need to. Anyone?
On 09-11-04 9:04 AM, Navin Surtani wrote:
I disagree. I could be wrong, but I think it's easiest if the
QueryConfigurationBean does the work of setting up stuff kind of like
how the QueryHelper [1] currently does. This way, if the query module
is to be used, once these configurations are registered the
appropriate interceptor can be added to the chain.
Just a quick question on general Cache setup. Currently the
QueryInterceptor is added to chain /after/ the locking interceptor.
Just wondering that if things are done this way, i.e. we create and
add the QueryInterceptor to the chain when a new instance of the
QueryConfigurationBean is created, is that going to cause problems
about where on the chain the QueryInterceptor sits? [Just thinking out
Navin Surtani
Intern Infinispan
Intern JBoss Cache Searchable
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