Ah, and IntelliJ Idea has the same issue in its latest v11...
We can always go with my 3rd solution and switch to a v1.1 schema for
Infinispan 6.0
On 08/23/2012 10:33 AM, Tristan Tarrant wrote:
Well, XMLSchema 1.1 became standard in April this year, so I guess
were being overly cautious and decided not to include it in Juno.
On 08/23/2012 10:21 AM, Galder ZamarreƱo wrote:
> Just cause Eclipse is slow to adopt new standards, we shouldn't write the correct
> IMO, XML Schema 1.1.
> (Btw, I wonder if this works on IntelliJ?)
> On Aug 23, 2012, at 9:56 AM, Tristan Tarrant wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> as part of my work on ISPN-1978 [1] and ISPN-2210 [2], I have hit a snag
>> with the XML schema and the extensibility I want to allow:
>> - currently elements in the global and cache configuration can be placed
>> in any order and can happen at most once (using the <xs:all /> element)
>> - I want to add an <xs:any namespace="##other /> element to the
>> /> above, but this is not allowed in XMLSchema 1.0. It is however a
>> valid construct in XMLSchema 1.1
>> - Eclipse (even the latest Juno) does not validate XMLSchema 1.1 files
>> and therefore developers using it wouldn't be able to get content assist
>> when editing Infinispan configuration files
>> Possible solutions:
>> - I go with a 1.1 schema, telling Eclipse users to pressure for an
>> updated XML editor
>> - I stay with a 1.0 schema, but swap <xs:all> with <xs:sequence>,
>> forces the elements to appear in a specific order (minus), but allows
>> extension points to be treated as first-class citizens (plus)
>> - I stay with a 1.0 schema, and place the extension points inside a
>> <modules> element which can be a child of <global>, <default>
>> <namedCache>. This allows elements to be in any order, but adds the
>> extra indirection.
>> Fortunately we don't have this issue with the cache stores since that is
>> a <xs:sequence>.
>> Opinions ?
>> Tristan
>> [1]
>> [2]
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> --
> Galder ZamarreƱo
> Sr. Software Engineer
> Infinispan, JBoss Cache
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