On Apr 23, 2013, at 6:03 PM, cotton-ben <ben.cotton(a)ALUMNI.RUTGERS.EDU> wrote:
Very nice work Galder.
Couple of questions re: Infinispan 5.3.0 ambitions/capabilities to provide
JSR-107 transactions option.
1. We noticed on your GitHub branch that you have JCACHE Transactions test
code. The code uses javax.transaction.TransactionManager (ajuna
implementation). Will you extend this test to also audition the usage of
javax.transaction.UserTransaction (arjuna, et. al. implementations?) and its
JCACHE factory bridge via javax.cache.CacheManager.getUserTransaction() ?
^ Hmmmm, which test are you refering to exactly?
2. We notice that your tests include specifying LOCAL isolation
READ_COMMITTED. Will you extend this to build tests that actually challenge
Inifispan's integrity for honoring the chosen isolation, i.e. by introducing
specific "DIRTY_READ" (caching use case) test challenges?
^ TBH, such tests should be added to the TCK. Infinispan already has tests within core/
that verify dirty read situations.
3. Can we right now use Infinispan 5.3.0.A to build a test that
demonstrates Infinispan (via its JTA bridge) honoring a REPEATABLE_READ
isolation choice?
^ You can build a test anytime :). I don't see why it should not work since we already
have REPETEABLE_READ tests in the Infinispan Core testsuite.
4. Can you comment on eventually providing tests that demonstrate
Infinispan 5.3.0 using the TotalOrder (CloudTM?) JTA bridge to achieve
SERIALIZABLE isolation choice? This one will be especially helpful, as we
understand Infinispan has the ambition to supporting isolation=SERIALIZABLE
via the JCACHE API. *We greatly applaud this ambition, and can't wait to
see it working in Infinispan. * We don't know yet how directly dependent it
is on TotalOrder being a capability provider (we're studying this).
^ I'm not a total order expert. Pedro, will Total Order enable SERIALIZABLE isolation
level? If so, do we already have tests for that?
5. Can you post any/all of your JUDcon JSR-107 presentation content?
The presentation will be uploaded to the
site shortly, once they've gathered all the presentations. In the mean time, you can
find the PDF in
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6148072/galde-jsr107-brazil.pdf -
There's not a huge deal on it since I split the preso to be 50% live coding.
Again, very nice work ... we'll be following progress here
closely. Thanks
^ Thanks for the interest :)
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Galder Zamarreño
Project Lead, Escalante
Engineer, Infinispan