Hi all,
First, I've made the corresponding changes based on the feedback I got
from pt2. This included reducing the response header since clients are
already aware of what they sent, addition of topology view id to to non
dumb requests and further specification in responses when topology
changes have happened...etc.
I've also added flags to the request header that allow sending
Infinispan flags like: skip cache store, zero lock acquisition
Note that I've noted this as being N * 1 byte where each byte represents
a flag. However, I think this could maybe be sent more efficiently by
using XOR, i.e.
0x00 -> no flag
0x01 (0000 0001) -> zero lock acquisition
0x02 (0000 0010) -> cache mode local
0x03 (0000 0011) -> zero lock acquisition + cache mode local
0x04 (0000 0100) -> skip locking
With 2 bytes, we could implement 16 Flags, we currently 11. However, we
could use vint as well, making sure that the most significant bit does
not mean anything flag wise. Iow, with vint, in 1 byte we'd be able to
define 7 diff flags. Thoughts?
I've also added the quit command that disconnects clients.
Finally, as far as I'm concerned, the specification is complete. I'm
leaving the quiet commands out of this initial scope (see
Remember that quiet commands could be used so that the server buffers
responses and only when you send a non-quiet command, the server replies
with all the pending answers.
As you can see at the bottom of the wiki, I've added a local only put
request/response example so that readers get an idea of what a full
command looks like. I had received some feedback from readers saying
that it was difficult to understand how it all fit together.
I'll probably add a couple more examples for non-so-dumb and clever
request/responses but I'll held them until we have a final round of
feedback and people can indicate whether they want any other examples
appearing in the wiki.
Galder ZamarreƱo
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache