ViewChanged just means a change in membership has been detected. Not all nodes may be
involved in a corresponding rehash.
I agree about using the isPre flag. It isn't the prettiest but at least it's
Anyway I have pushed a patch for this, please have a look and comment.
Sent from my mobile phone
On 16 May 2011, at 18:33, Sanne Grinovero <sanne.grinovero(a)> wrote:
Are @ViewChanged and @RehashStarted different?
If they are, are they different in any way useful to applications or
our own modules?
For consistency we could also consider the "Event.isPre() " to return
before/after reashing - tough I don't feel inclined to like this
proposal myself.
2011/5/16 Mircea Markus <mircea.markus(a)>:
> On 13 May 2011, at 10:28, Manik Surtani wrote:
>> So this is related to ISPN-360 which is currently titled "create
>> Leaving names out for now, essentially, what we need is a notification to inform
listeners that (a) a JGroups ViewChange has been detected (b) a rehash has started and (c)
a rehash has completed. Possibly, being more fine-grained, that (d) a new ConsistentHash
view has been installed. Does this cover it all? If so, how about:
>> @ViewChanged (same as we have now)
>> @RehashStarted
>> @RehashComplete
>> @TopologyChanged // to reflect a new CH?
>> Thoughts?
> Sounds good to me.
>> Cheers
>> Manik
>> On 11 May 2011, at 13:29, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
>>> First thing I thought when reading your email was "OMG do we support
>>> on-the-fly hash implementation changes? crazy!"
>>> That's obviously not the case, but if you name it as
>>> @ConsistenHashChangeListene that's what I would think.
>>> Wouldn't it be better to change the exact timing of the viewchange
>>> event? I don't see why Infinispan users might be more interested in
>>> knowing about the topology details according to the transport than
>>> what they are about the actual Infinispan hashing topology - I would
>>> expect that when I receive which notification the new view is already
>>> installed and ready to go; actually I thought that was the case since
>>> ever.
>>> What would be the use cases to get the notification *before* the new
>>> hash is installed?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Sanne
>>> 2011/5/11 Mircea Markus <mircea.markus(a)>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The basic problem behind this is that I need to be notified when a new
>>>> consistent hash is installed.
>>>> ATM there isn't any support (of which I know) for a
>>>> "@ConsistenHashChangeListener".
>>>> I'm thinking to add such notifications either:
>>>> a) internally: Observer pattern on DistributionManager or even on
>>>> DistributionManagerImpl
>>>> b) more generically, as a fully flagged listener.
>>>> I favor a) and then if more people ask for it we will expose it as a
>>>> flagged listener.
>>>> Suggestions?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Mircea
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