In this special case I'm gonna try to rewrite the test case as an
excercise - it doesn't seem like that much extra work, and I'd rewrite
it anyway
I'm not satisfied with it's current form even if it was to stay in Java.
But this is just postponing of this important question.
As much as I don't like the idea of mixing in the Java code to now still
(almost) pure scala modules - maybe just an aesthetic preference of mine.
I'd like to have an oportunity to add a Java test if it's something more
complex in the future. - in cases where advantages and quickness of
availability of java unit test outweigh the unniceness of the mixing.
So +1 for allowing java test cases in scala modules
On 01/31/2013 12:45 PM, Mircea Markus wrote:
The REST module is written in Scala (both main + tests). We have some
*test* contributions written in Java (thanks mlinhard).
There was an IRC discussion on whether it's worth migrating the Java
contribution to Scala code or not.
Pros for migrating the contribution from Java to Scala:
- the REST module is written in Scala. Contributing these tests in
Java would make the module bi-lingual, potentially confusing future
- even though this is not the case with this particular contribution,
there might be code duplications between the scala test suite and java
test suite.
Cons for migrating the contribution from Java to Scala:
- there are contributors that are not familiar with Scala or are more
proficient with Java(such as mlinhard). Forcing them to contribute in
a language they are not familiar with would put them off
- my general feeling over time was that people (including me) are not
very enthusiastic about debugging and extending Scala code. So IMO if
there's a choice between scala and java (in the scope of the scala
modules) we should stick to Java wherever possible (such as this
This email is not about the migration of scala code to java, but about
the very specific contribution described above (even thought the mix
of scala+java code in ISPN is a a very interesting topic by itself).
Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead ( <>)
infinispan-dev mailing list
Michal Linhard
Quality Assurance Engineer
JBoss Datagrid
Red Hat Czech s.r.o.
Purkynova 99 612 45 Brno, Czech Republic
phone: +420 532 294 320 ext. 62320
mobile: +420 728 626 363