Some doubts:
1) I see you don't depend on the mux implementation
org.jboss.ha.core.channelfactory.MuxChannel but in the one provided in
jgroups. I was recommended to use
org.jboss.ha.core.channelfactory.MuxChannel, but don't remember the
reason, if any it might be outdated. Did you find out there's no need
for this additional dependency?
I can't remember exactly the difference between the two, although I don't
think there were any real benefits in the org.jboss.ha stuff, and having one
class instead of another dependency is better :)
2) Could you clarify the licensing, I'd like to reuse some of this
code if possible.
I hope it will be Hibernate Search compatible, also because I see you
copied some code.. could you then restore the original @authors where
due? (I might be wrong and didn't check in depth, just the methods in
ExecutorContext look very similar to Search's Workspace. Actually it
seems you was inspired by an older copy, while some bugs where now
fixed *1, so you might as well want to depend on that code instead, to
get more fixes in future).
Hmm, I usually use the Apache License, and I didn't really think about
licensing conflicts here. I can't remember if I copied the code, but I need
to look at that in more detail. Don't want to ruffle any feathers :) If any
of my code ends up in Hibernate Search's backend, I'd rather use that if
possible. Obviously it needs to be decoupled from the Hibernate part :)
3) I can't compile it:
Non-resolvable parent POM: Could not find artifact
It's on my repo, look at my blog post.
4) I'd recommend you to make the IndexOperation implementations
immutable, it seems you're suffering a bit from index visibility.
5) No tests ? :P
<guilty_look>I'm sure they were there a minute ago
Thanks for your comments.