Just a heads up, the next Infinspan release will be Infinispan 7.0 and the major features
we plan to add are:
- .NET hot rod client (HRCPP-122, Ion)
- Remote Events of HotRod (ISPN-374, Galder)
- authentication and authorization over HotRod (ISPN-3908, ISPN-3910, Tristan)
- configuration revamp (ISPN-3930, Galder)
- Map/Reduce enhancements (Vladimir)
- parallel iteration of keys (ISPN-2284)
- cache the results of mapping (scale out M/R)
- consider an Hadoop M/R adaptor
- x-site state transfer (ISPN-2342, Pedro)
- Controlled cluster shutdown with data restore from persistent storage (Dan, ISPN-3351)
- handling of cluster partitions (Mircea, ISPN-263)
- transactions improvements (ISPN-3927, Ion)
- clustered listeners (ISPN-3355 , Will)
- authentication and authorization in embedded mode (ISPN-3909)
- execute query on non-indexed fields (ISPN-3917, Adrian)
- stabilize remote querying (performance, bug fixing) (Adrian, Sanne)
The target date for 7.0.Final is end of July.
Mircea Markus
Infinispan lead (