On 6/1/11 4:21 PM, Sanne Grinovero wrote:
Hi Bela,
2011/6/1 Bela Ban<bban(a)redhat.com>:
> We currently use JGroups' partial state transfer to transfer individual
> caches from one Infinispan instance to another.
> Since I got rid of partial state transfer in JGroups 3.0, and don't like
> to add it back, I'd like to know whether this is still needed.
> I thought that we currently require the same set of caches to be
> available in all Infinispan instances, and the reason (IIRC) was that
> distribution wouldn't work if we have caches 1 and 2 available on
> instances A and B, but not on C, because consistent hashing distributes
> the data based on views, and we didn't want to have to keep track of
> individual caches...
Well I really don't like this limitation in Infinispan and was
actually hoping that we could remove it at some point.
Imagine the scenario in which you have a running cluster, and at some
point the new release of your application needs an additional cache:
there's no way to start a new node having this new cache.
Yes, I fully agree. Another example is HTTP web sessions: currently 1
webapp == 1 cache, so we currently require the same webapps to be
deployed in all JBoss instances *if* we use replication (distribution is
different) !
Also right now when an application starts, it's possible with
proper timing that it joins the cluster before having defined and
started all caches (starting the cachemanager and the caches is not an
atomic operation), basically failing to start because of this
Maybe it's still possible to build such a thing on top of
state transfer? As it doesn't exist, we didn't design it.
Yes. Well, Infinispan already uses its own state transfer for
distribution, I wonder why this isn't the case for replication.
> Why are we actually using JGroups' state transfer with
replication, but
> use our own state transfer with distribution ?
I don't know, but guess it's because each node has a different set of
keys so no node has the same state as another ?
You could still use JGroups state transfer; getState() would list the
state provider as target node.
In general, partial state transfer involves transferring (1) the partial
state and (2) the digest, which is a vector of highest seqnos seen for
every member. When we get a partial state, we always overwrite our own
digest with the one received, and update our state accordingly. However,
when this is done a couple of times, for different partial states, I'm
not sure that we won't receive a few messages multiple times, due to the
digest overwriting...
I think the cleanest solution would be for you guys to reuse the state
transfer you already use for state transfer in distribution mode.
Bela Ban
Lead JGroups / Clustering Team