Thanks Dan!!
On Wed, Nov 21, 2018 at 5:14 PM Dan Berindei <dan.berindei(a)> wrote:
I had to debug some JMX stuff today and I remembered that Gustavo
wanted a
guide for debugging ITs, so here goes:
1. Build the server
mvn install -DskipTests -am -pl server/integration/testsuite
2. Unpack the server in the testsuite module
mvn test -pl server/integration/testsuite
3. Try to run the IT from the IDE, it should fail because it can't find
the server definition
4. Check the @RunningServer references at the top of the IT and search for
them in arquillian.xml. E.g. JmxManagementIT uses "jmx-management-1", which
is defined under
<group qualifier="suite-manual">
5. Add -Darquillian.launch=<group qualifier> to your debug configuration
6. Your test should run now. I got an error about env.JAVA_HOME not being
defined, I just added a JAVA_HOME environment variable in the debug
configuration and it worked.
The Arquillian server configuration may need other system properties.
IntelliJ automatically picks up the system properties set in the failsafe
execution [1] when it imports the project, but you may have to set them
manually in your debug configuration.
Now that the test runs, we can try to debug the server.
7. Define a remote debug configuration. Preferably is should be in listen
mode: IntelliJ 2018.3.Beta1+ can automatically restart listening after a
debug session is over, so you only have to start the remote debug
configuration once.
8. Search for the server in arquillian.xml again and add the connection
string from the remote debug configuration, e.g.
<container qualifier="jmx-management-1" mode="manual">
<property name="javaVmArguments">
9. Set a breakpoint in the server and start the test debug configuration.
Your remote debug session should stop at the breakpoint.
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