On 05/15/2009 06:27 PM, Manik Surtani wrote:
While the new async API has been getting rave reviews, someone did
up async notifications. E.g.,
Future f = cache.putAsync(k, v);
But what if I don't want to wait on f.get(), I'd rather be told when the
future is done so I can do an f.get()?
In XNIO, I've solved this problem simply by using a new IoFuture type that
can have notifiers registered on it, not unlike your NotifyingFuture
example (which, by the way, works very well).
Notice a couple of things that I learned the hard way.
future.addNotifier() accepts a notifier and an attachment (allowing the
same notifier to be reused by the user if so desired). The notifier itself
is called in any of three possible cases: success, cancellation (which may
not apply to your use case), and failure. The notifier has a single notify
method which is called in any case (an IoFuture has a getStatus() method
which returns an enum value). There is an abstract class which has
separate handleDone/handleCancelled/handleFailure methods, each with an
empty default implementation; this allows users to easily create anonymous
classes which only implement, say, handleDone, while still allowing a
single method implementation which is called when any status change occurs.
Finally, the addNotifier method has a signature like this:
public interface IoFuture<T> {
<A> IoFuture<T> addNotifier(Notifier<? super T, A> notifier, A
This allows users to register notifiers for IoFutures of any superclass
type of the result. This means, for example, that a Notifier<Object, ?>
can be registered on any IoFuture, while a Notifier<Closeable, ?> can be
registered on just about any IoFuture that returns an I/O entity (think
async close after an operation completes).
One other lesson I've learned that may be useful to you even if you opt to
stick with Future<T> is that you should always use Future<? extends
Whatever> rather than Future<Whatever>, and encourage your users to do the
same, which gives you a little more flexibility with respect to covariance.
While I doubt that IoFuture is directly applicable to your situation,
hopefully you won't have to relearn the same lessons the hard way. :-)