I presume you want:
<groupGenerator class="a.b.c.D1" forType="a.b.c.X1" />
<groupGenerator class="a.b.c.D2" forType="a.b.c.X2" />
<groupGenerator class="a.b.c.D3" forType="a.b.c.X3" />
</colocationGroup >
in which case you'd need:
class ColocationGroupCfg ... {
List<GroupGeneratorCfg> groupGeneratorCfgs = new LinkedList<
public void setGroupGeneratorCfgs(List<GroupGeneratorCfg> l) { ... }
class GroupGeneratorCfg ... {
@XmlAttribute(name="class") String clazz;
@XmlAttribute String forType;
Vladimir can confirm though, he's our resident JAXB wizard. :)
On 18 May 2011, at 15:17, Pete Muir wrote:
As usual I'm struggling with JAXB. What I want to do is pretty
trivial with a stream based parser:
1) parse a xs:sequence into a list of strings
2) receive notification that this list of strings has been parsed via a post parse
3) create a list of object instances (each string represents a class name)
4) set this into the domain model for configuration
I have absolutely no idea how I do this with jaxb (and no real desire to learn, which is
probably the main problem ;-), so can someone help me?
For now I'll just add this to the fluent config and not expose it via xml.
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Manik Surtani
Lead, Infinispan