On 3/23/11 2:41 PM, Heiko Braun wrote:
[INFO] {
[INFO] "path" : null,
[INFO] "system-property" : null,
[INFO] "interface" : null,
[INFO] "jvm" : {"default" : {"heap" : {
[INFO] "size" : "64m",
[INFO] "max-size" : "256m"
[INFO] }}},
I touched elsewhere in this thread on the reasons for:
"jvm" : {"default" : {...}}
But I think the structure underneath that is wrong; looks like a
straight mapping of the xml, which isn't necessary.
I propose to flatten it out, a la
[INFO] "jvm" : {"default" : {
[INFO] "heap-size" : "64m",
[INFO] "max-heap-size" : "256m"
[INFO] }},
I'll file a JIRA to do that tomorrow unless it's a problem.
IMO we need to think thoroughly about the following questions:
- Can the model be normalized somehow?
Somewhat, as above.
I've also thought about the making the "resource/attribute/children"
structure more explicit in what we return from the read-resource
operation. We've flattened it out because we store it flat internally
and it saves clients calls to modelNode.get(), but it also obscures what
a resource is. If changing that would make your life easier, we can do
it; it's a fairly simple change.
"attributes" : {
"system-properties" : null
"child-resources" : {
"path" : null,
"interface" : null,
"jvm" : {"default" : {
"attributes" : {
"heap-size" : "64m",
"max-heap-size" : "256m"
"child-resources" : null
- How do we deal with inherited properties?
There are a limited number of cases where this happens. It's not
something that might occur anywhere and has to be generically tested
for. We could possibly provide information in the model description
about where values are inherited from if they're not defined, but TBH it
seems like a wiki page would probably give the same benefit (with a lot
less work on our side.)
I'm also not opposed to trimming some of the places where things can be
configured if it makes things too complex in the UI.
- Would it make sense to separate the actual state from the
structural information?
Hmm, above I propose doing the opposite!
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Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat