On 3/23/11 3:29 PM, Heiko Braun wrote:
But tell me, how should I interpret this one
"jvm" : null
There is no server-specific JVM configuration; it's inherited from the
opposed to this one
"jvm" : {"default" : null}
The server is configured to use the "default" jvm, no matter what it's
server-group might say. It doesn't override any details of the "default"
jvm config.
This is one area where the key-value pair addressing scheme chafes a
bit. Even though there will only be a single jvm=X under a given
server-config, the { "jvm" : { "default" : {details}}} layout allows
jvm config to be treated as a resource
and all the details to be attributes of that resource.[1] If "jvm" where
an attribute under server-config, then it would just be a big complex
blob, with details inaccessible via read-attribute, write-attribute.
Everything would require a custom operation.
It also allows all the operations on that "kind" of resource to be the
same no matter whether it appears as a child of server-config,
server-group or host. Under host=X, jvm=A is a natural resource, since
there can also be jvm=B.
[1] For sure, some of the attributes can be flattened out. For example,
there's no reason to have "heap" be a complex attribute with children
"size" and "max-size". There can just be "heap-size" and
On Mar 23, 2011, at 9:23 PM, Heiko Braun wrote:
> On Mar 23, 2011, at 9:15 PM, Jason T. Greene wrote:
>> Those are all the same representation, its a map with a map key.
> technically you right, but that doesn't mean it's easy to use.
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Brian Stansberry
Principal Software Engineer
JBoss by Red Hat