Matt Mahoney updated SWSQE-419:
Sprint: Kiali Sprint #11, Kiali Sprint #12 (was: Kiali Sprint #11)
Enhance Maistra Pipeline Support
Key: SWSQE-419
Project: Kiali QE
Issue Type: Story
Reporter: Guilherme Baufaker Rêgo
Assignee: Guilherme Baufaker Rêgo
Maistra Pipeline would need to have some additions to have better support (Some of them
- Remove Maistra Job from Upstream Pipeline (SWSQE-423)
- Add Minimal CR option (this will install default versions listed on istio-operator)
- (SWSQE-429)
- Include Option to run or not run Kiali Istio Checker
- Crate Maistra Message Bus Job (SWSQE-424)
- Include Bookinfo, Include E2E Test Run, Include UI Test Run (SWSQE-430)