[JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam CVS+JBoss 4.2+Trinidad
by smithbstl
Ok Chris I got it working. I am almost too embarrassed to tell you the problem. In converting to JBoss 4.2, I used SeamGen to generate a new project (I was using a Netbeans JEE project). Well seamgen decided to put my facelets templates in a different location. So the templates were not being found hence the 404's. The strange part is I was not getting any standard facelet error messages to that effect in the server log, just these strange A4J Filter messages. Ah well, thanks for all your help.
BTW, you can slim down your web.xml a bit. You can consolidate your Seam Exception Filter and Seam Redirect Filter into one
| <filter>
| <filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>
| <filter-class>org.jboss.seam.web.SeamFilter</filter-class>
| </filter>
| <filter-mapping>
| <filter-name>Seam Filter</filter-name>
| <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
| </filter-mapping>
This was introduced in Seam 1.2
Also you can get rid of the A4J filter all together, the Seam Filter takes care of this as well (I think this is new in CVS)
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4049927#4049927
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17 years, 6 months
[JBossWS] - MIssing wsdl4j.jar in scripts
by PeterJ
When I run the wsrunclient or wsprovide scripts (possibly also with wsconsume, but I am not sure), I get the following exception (if I use the --show-traces option to see what the error was):
Generating WSDL:
| SalesTaxService.wsdl
| Error: Could not generate. (use --show-traces to see full traces)
| java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/wsdl/WSDLException
| at org.jboss.ws.tools.wsdl.WSDLWriter.write(WSDLWriter.java:89)
| at org.jboss.ws.metadata.builder.jaxws.JAXWSWebServiceMetaDataBuilder.pr
| ocessOrGenerateWSDL(JAXWSWebServiceMetaDataBuilder.java:292)
| at org.jboss.ws.metadata.builder.jaxws.JAXWSWebServiceMetaDataBuilder.bu
| ildWebServiceMetaData(JAXWSWebServiceMetaDataBuilder.java:131)
| at org.jboss.ws.tools.jaxws.impl.WSContractProviderImpl.provide(WSContra
| ctProviderImpl.java:118)
| at org.jboss.ws.tools.jaxws.impl.WSContractProviderImpl.provide(WSContra
| ctProviderImpl.java:134)
| at org.jboss.ws.tools.jaxws.command.wsprovide.generate(wsprovide.java:16
| 7)
| at org.jboss.ws.tools.jaxws.command.wsprovide.main(wsprovide.java:76)
Adding the client/wsdl4j.jar file to the claspsath constructed in the script solves this problem. What bugs me about this is how these scripts that deal with WSDLs can even run without the WSDL JAR file being included? Is anyone else seeing this error?
I am seeing this in JBoss AS, both 5.0 beta2 and 4.2.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4049921#4049921
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17 years, 6 months
[JBoss Seam] - bug or limitation with seam/facelets ?
by hstang
Just wondering if it's possible to include a home object as a parameter into an included facelet source. When doing this, I'm getting a model validation error when submitting the form by persisting the home's instance:
"model validation failed:null"
Is this some bug or limitation?
Here is an example:
| ## form.xhtml
| <ui:composition>
| <h:form>
| <h:inputText value="#{home.instance.property1}"/>
| <h:commandButton action="#{home.persist}" value="Persist"/>
| </h:form>
| </ui:composition>
| ## 1.xhtml
| <html>
| <ui:include src="form.xhtml">
| <ui:param name="form" value="#{helloHome1}"/>
| </ui:include>
| </html>
| ## 2.xhtml
| <html>
| <ui:include src="form.xhtml">
| <ui:param name="form" value="#{helloHome2}"/>
| </ui:include>
| </html>
| ## components.xml
| <fwk:entity-home name="helloHome1" entity-class="a.b.c.Hello"/>
| <fwk:entity-home name="helloHome2" entity-class="a.b.c.Hello"/>
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4049918#4049918
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4049918
17 years, 6 months