Sadiroveski S [] created the discussion
"Re: Install JBPM on Mysql without ANT"
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+Can we prepare the Mysql database so JBPM 5.3 will connect to after changing the
persistence.xml and without running the ANT.+
+What I am trying to do is prevent using the install.demo and start.demo. I want to
manually install JBOSS AS 7, manually start the jboss and task service.+
+Also, how can we change the directory where JBPM console ooks for processes?+
+Thanks in advance,+
Dear Thomas,
I really appreciate your answers and your help. I used the regular way for to connect JBPM
to Mysql i.e. using ant.
What I need is to make it manually. Actually, you fired up something in my head which is
why I don't export the tables and build my own installation SQL scripts for that. I
will try it and let you know.
Also, I am asking about how to let the console look for a specific directory for
Thanks again,
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