[Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - configuring QA and prod context in same jboss instance
by dkuehner
I have an app which uses both web and ejb components. I want to be able to run 2 versions of my app in the same jboss instance.
I use an ear file which has been expanded. The plan is to just copy this ear directory to a second directory in the deploy directory and then make a few configuration changes. For instance I need to point the 2 contexts to different databases etc.
We have solved the basic JNDI naming problem by creating a script to process the various xml files and add a suffix to the various ejb names etc.
The problem is with the properties files. We can't seem to create a context specific properties object. If we use a singleton class to hold the properties, it will be global to jboss, not just to the context. Also the System.properties is global.
My question is: Is there a context specific properties mechanism? I would have thought that I could just copy the deployed directory without too much work, but this is turning into a bigger problem than we realized.
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18Â years, 1Â month
[Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: connectionFactoryJndiName config property
by tobinibot
Ok, done (sorry it took a little while).
The only thing that concerns me a little with this fresh install are the following log messages
anonymous wrote : 20:08:01,109 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/web-console, warUrl=.../deploy/management/console-mgr.sar/web-console.war/
| 20:08:01,343 INFO [[/web-console]] MonitorsFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
| 20:08:01,343 INFO [[/web-console]] UCLs: Failed to init plugin, null
| 20:08:01,359 INFO [[/web-console]] JMS Message: Failed to init plugin, null
| 20:08:01,359 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 WebModule: Failed to init plugin, null
| 20:08:01,375 INFO [[/web-console]] J2EEFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
| 20:08:01,375 INFO [[/web-console]] AOPFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
| 20:08:01,375 INFO [[/web-console]] SystemFolder: Failed to init plugin, null
| 20:08:01,734 INFO [[/web-console]] MBeans: Failed to init plugin, null
| 20:08:01,750 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 Domains and Servers: Failed to init plugin, null
| 20:08:01,750 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 EJBModules and EJBs: Failed to init plugin, null
| 20:08:01,750 INFO [[/web-console]] JSR77 J2EE Apps: Failed to init plugin, null
In the web console now, there are no menu items in the Java applet menu on the left. In my previous JBoss installation, that worked.
But other than that, it looks ok.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3989880#3989880
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18Â years, 1Â month
[JBoss jBPM] - Re: JBPM3 with tomcat
by meghanai_99
I tried following these steps to install jbpm3.1.2 to tomcat 5.5.17. It fails for me when I try to create database.
Here is the error -
[loadidentities] 16:30:32,474 [main] DEBUG DbPersistenceService : beginning hibe
rnate transaction
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] WARN JDBCExceptionReporter : SQL Error: -8
0, SQLState: 08000
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter : socket creati
on error
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] DEBUG JbpmContext : closing JbpmContext
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] DEBUG Services : closing service 'persisten
ce': org.jbpm.persistence.db.DbPersistenceService@ae1cf
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] DEBUG DbPersistenceService : flushing hiber
nate session
[loadidentities] 16:30:33,376 [main] DEBUG DbPersistenceService : closing hibern
ate session
D:\Java\jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.2\jbpm\build.deploy.xml:50: org.hibernate.exceptio
n.JDBCConnectionException: Cannot open connection
I appreciate if anyone can help me here. Thank you.
- Meghana
"diwa_pv" wrote : hi,
| Even i faced the same problem while deploying the 3.1 version of jbpm on tomcat! but finally made it on tomcat.
| My tomcat version was 5.x and used Oracle 9i as backend!
| Here are the steps i followed to deploy 3.1 version of jbpm on tomcat.
| Download jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.1 from Jboss site
| Deploy jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.1\jbpm-server\server\jbpm\deploy\jbpm.war into tomcat webapps.
| Copy hibernate.cfg.xml from jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.1\jbpm\src\config.files to ur <jbpm-home>/WEB-INF/classes/
| Run ant task for creating database tables and data from jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.1\jbpm\build.deploy.xml
| ( ant create.db ?buildfile build.deploy.xml)
| Add few jars to lib folder of your application.
| Start tomcat.
| Start jbpm application.
| thanks and regards
| diwa
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3989877#3989877
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18Â years, 1Â month