I need to intercept the commit() of the transactionManager - because I want to write some objects into the database at the very end of the transaction ...
So here are my questions (up to now I have no detailed clue about AOP, but I am searching for a possible solution to get a callback shortly befor the commit() is done by CMT-EJB3 beans ...):
- Is it possible to intercept javax.transaction.TransactionManager with AOP at run-time ?
- Am I then still in the transaction (hopefully yes ;-) ) and do I have access to an EntityManager ?
Any ideas on that ??? What do I have to do to deploy it with my ears ?
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Hello all,
I have a problem deploying an EJB 3 inside an ear archive.
I have a WebApp that is made of 3 components: 2 JARs(EJBs) & 1 WAR
One of EJBs is using DB, I have configured persistence.xml file in the META-INF directory.
Any way, when I deploy the JARS and the WAR separately every thing works,
But when I deploy them inside an ear, for some reason the persistence is ignored.
I can perform lookup from the WebApp to the EJB but the relevant tables not created in the data base (I use hsqldb on localDB).
I guess one (or more) of my Jboss configuration file is missing some thing.
any suggestions ?
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=3991627#3991627
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i would say that we have a deadlock issue when one thread is using jbossaop classloader and another is using the default one ( eg not the jbossaop classloader). if all threads are using the jbossaop classloader we shouldnt see this error (i hope).
i havent had the time to look more deeply into this im afraid, if i got some spare time ill look a bit at it during the weekend, but i wont promise anything...
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