Access remote bean with JNDI from remote system
by Karsten Ohme
I want to access a Bean remotely (with JNDI). So I thought I could
access in on the client with:
Properties env = new Properties();
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "jnp://myserver:1099");
Context jndiContext = new InitialContext(env);
If I do a port scan on "myserver" the JNDI port 1099 does not show up. I
thought this is the default port. What do I have to do the get access
the remote bean?
Is there somewhere a documentation how to access JNDI resources from
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17 years
[Clustering/JBoss] session ids can be decided from the client
by Nestor Urquiza
Hello guys,
Can anyone please provide some guidance as to where I can make JBoss
ignore any incomming JSESSIONID not generated by JBoss itself?
Currently I use ModJk and to tag a given server I use an initial
request using JSESSIONID=.nodeName. The request goes to the right node
but the session id keeps on being .nodeName for the rest of the
session which is unnaceptable.
Thanks in advance for your help,
17 years, 1 month