[JBoss AOP] - Re: Interceptor chain problem
by Kronbe
Sorry for the bad post - here once again with correct code-formatting:
Thanks for quick response.
So I have Stateless Beans where I annotate the methods with @MyAnnotation("..."). In my aop-project I've defined the following pointcut:
| <bind pointcut="execution(public * cobeco.*->@myPackage.MyAnnotation(..))">
| <interceptor-ref name="Interceptor"/>
| </bind>
In my interceptor I override the Interface invoke(Invocation invocation) method. In this method I my business code is located. After processing my business code i leave the method with
return invocation.invokeNext();
My Interceptor implements org.jboss.aop.advice.Interceptor. I'm using JBoss application Server 4.2.2 with jboss-aop-1.5.6.GA.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4173256#4173256
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16 years, 5 months