[jBPM Users] - Starting process instance by key
by bestage
Today in a project we are currently doing, I was suprised to find out that startProcessInstanceByKey(procDefId, key) allows to use the same key many times. Although it is clear that this is intended to be a business key,
I still wonder why it is not forced to be unique.
I actually planned to use this key as some sort of locking mechanism to lock the business object used by a process against being used in another process instance. Thus if I'd start another process instance with the same key whilst the previous one is running, I'd expect to get an exception.
Now, the only work around seems to be to check before starting a new process instance, if another process instance is running with the same key and not allow to start the new instance until the previous one is finished.
Does anyone have a better idea?
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4258755#4258755
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15 years, 3 months
[Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: More ServiceBindingSet questions
by jaikiran
Looking at the bindings-jboss-beans.xml, the "redirectPort" of the connector is calculated from the XSLT transform configuration:
| <bean class="org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingMetadata">
| <property name="serviceName">jboss.web:service=WebServer</property>
| <property name="port">8080</property>
| <property name="description">JBoss Web HTTP connector socket; also drives the values for the HTTPS and AJP sockets</property>
| <!--
| Inject a XSLT transform configuration (see below) that describes
| how to transform server.xml
| If the binding value request doesn't require an XSL Transform, this config
| will be ignored.
| -->
| <property name="serviceBindingValueSourceConfig"><inject bean="JBossWebConnectorXSLTConfig"/></property>
| </bean>
| ...
| <!-- XSL Transform to apply to server.xml -->
| <bean name="JBossWebConnectorXSLTConfig"
| class="org.jboss.services.binding.impl.XSLTServiceBindingValueSourceConfig">
| <constructor>
| <parameter><![CDATA[
| <xsl:stylesheet
| xmlns:xsl='http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform' version='1.0'>
| <xsl:output method="xml" />
| <xsl:param name="port"/>
| <xsl:variable name="portAJP" select="$port - 71"/>
| <xsl:variable name="portHttps" select="$port + 363"/>
| <xsl:template match="/">
| <xsl:apply-templates/>
| </xsl:template>
| <xsl:template match = "Connector">
| <Connector>
| <xsl:for-each select="@*">
| <xsl:choose>
| <xsl:when test="(name() = 'port' and . = '8080')">
| <xsl:attribute name="port"><xsl:value-of select="$port" /></xsl:attribute>
| </xsl:when>
| <xsl:when test="(name() = 'port' and . = '8009')">
| <xsl:attribute name="port"><xsl:value-of select="$portAJP" /></xsl:attribute>
| </xsl:when>
| <xsl:when test="(name() = 'redirectPort')">
| <xsl:attribute name="redirectPort"><xsl:value-of select="$portHttps" /></xsl:attribute>
| </xsl:when>
| ...
As can be seen, the "redirectPort" is set to $portHttps, which itself is calculated as $port + 363. The $port is your HTTP port which in your case, because of the offset 700, is 8780. So redirectPort = 8780 + 363 = 9143 and that's what you are seeing.
You mentioned that you have disabled HTTP connector:
anonymous wrote : so I have the HTTP and HTTPS connectors disabled in jbossweb.sar/server.xml
So to get around this issue, try setting a fixed port 8080 in the bindings-jboss-beans.xml for the HTTP port, so that the redirectPort gets calculated as 8080 + 363 = 8443. Here's an example (haven't checked for syntax or other semantics):
<!-- The CouponEngineBindings bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and adding 700 to eac
| h port value -->
| <bean name="CouponEngineBindings" class="org.jboss.services.binding.impl.ServiceBindingSet">
| <constructor>
| <!-- The name of the set -->
| <parameter>CouponEngineBindings</parameter>
| <!-- Default host name -->
| <parameter>${jboss.bind.address}</parameter>
| <!-- The port offset -->
| <parameter>700</parameter>
| <!-- Set of bindings that are specific to this ServiceBindingSet -->
| <parameter>
| <set elementClass="org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingMetadata">
| <bean class="org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingMetadata">
| <property name="serviceName">jboss:service=Naming</property>
| <property name="bindingName">Port</property>
| <property name="port">8299</property>
| <property name="description">The listening socket for the Naming service</property>
| <property name="fixedPort">true</property>
| </bean>
| <bean class="org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingMetadata">
| <property name="serviceName">jboss.web:service=WebServer</property>
| <property name="bindingName">HttpsConnector</property>
| <property name="port">8443</property>
| <property name="description">JBoss Web HTTPS connector socket</property>
| <property name="fixedPort">true</property>
| </bean>
| <!-- Fixed HTTP port -->
| <bean class="org.jboss.services.binding.ServiceBindingMetadata">
| <property name="serviceName">jboss.web:service=WebServer</property>
| <property name="port">8080</property>
| <property name="description">JBoss Web HTTP connector socket; also drives the values for the HTTPS and AJP sockets</property>
| <property name="fixedPort">true</property>
| </bean>
| </set>
| </parameter>
| </constructor>
| </bean>
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4258735#4258735
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4258735
15 years, 3 months