[Performance Tuning] - Re: Diff response times at different times
by PeterJ
The time data is all on the X axis. Either you have not set up a second scale for the Y axis for that data (don't ask me how to do this, I'm not a Excel expert), or you have not provided a high enough factor (I cover this in my description of building the chart, using a factor of 10000 or 100000, depending on the pause-time ranges). [I really need to come up with new scripts that plot the pause time ranges for minor and major collections... Yet another task to do in copious spare time.] Also, look at the pause times for the full collections and give me an idea of what their ranges are.
Yes, CMS is the Concurrent Mark-Sweep collector.
Regarding the 500 users in the SLA - is that logged in users, or simultaneous active requests? I ask because in general you can figure about 1 active request for every 10 logged-in users.
Is there any think time in your load testing script?
I still think you need to go with the higher memory settings.
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15 years, 3 months
[Clustering] - Re: Non clustered Queue
by bstansberry@jboss.com
That should be doable. What I described before was focused on the JMS server. And with it you have a server running on every node. The queue is independent; it can be deployed via deploy-hasingleton and that will work as long as there is a JMS server running on its node. Which there will be.
Hmm, big problem. The problem is to connect to that singleton queue, a remote client running would need to figure out which AS instance has the queue, and lookup the connection factory and queue from that AS. When you use the regular singleton JMS server approach, you just look things up using HA-JNDI and HA-JNDI finds the one node that has the connection factory and queue deployed. That won't work if you have a connection factory deployed everywhere. To get this to work you'd need to come up with some fancy integration of your own.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4258689#4258689
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15 years, 3 months