[jBPM Users] - Re: Creating non technical Actions / WorkItems
by koen.aers@jboss.com
"Ronald" wrote : The editor is a different story. With new (user defined) element names it is harder to extend than the runtime engine, but not completely impossible. Using attributes would make it a little easier.
| With regard to your 40 days, I think it is very well possible to extend the existing jPDL (maybe even the pvm) and the GPD to support large parts of this (contributions always welcome, with 'support' from our side in return ;-) ) If you want to go this way, discussing this in the dev forum is a good thing to do.
At the moment the editor is not yet easily extendable in this way. Hence also the fact that you did not find a lot of documentation about it. We have focused on other priorities than extensibility but most of the pieces to do this are present. I would need to define a few more extension points (or add options to existing extension points) and clean up the code a little bit. There is a JIRA issue available already (GPD-292) so we can continue the discussion there as well.
In any case, 40 development days seems more then enough to me to pull this off. The final goal is to be able to do this in a couple of hours of development time at the most.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4253316#4253316
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4253316
15 years, 4 months
[jBPM Users] - Re: Handling failure of automated activities
by kukeltje
"emp.tyres" wrote : Thanks for the replies -
| "kukeltje" wrote : 1: Exception handling like in jBPM 3 is still on the todo list (look in Jira).
| Actually, I was more trying to understand what options are there to recover the process after an UNhandled exception - assuming a job fails due to an automatic action throwing an exception, what state will it end in, and how can we recover it (change the offending variable, restart the failed activity, etc.)? I understand this is not trivial, but it is still very important for us as we are orchestrating a large number of systems on a critical process.
That is precisely what the jBPM 3 exceptionhandler was (partly) for. Doing 'some things', restarting the activity not being one of them, but if you use async for this, the job is rolled back and retried. Normally, 'changing the offending variable' would /could be done in an adition actionhandler e.g. on the transition that is taken in case of an error. The error has to be caught then in the actionhandler and the 'error transition' name has to be returned.
"emp.tyres" wrote :
| "kukeltje" wrote : For technical retries to external systems etc, I do not think jBPM should reinvent (reimplement) the wheel (like they are doing in drools with reinventing workflow) but leverage what is already there, JBoss ESB or JMS or your custom code/custom node. For business level retries, what you describe is an option. Might require a custom node though.
| Agreed - I am a bit worried at implementing a wait / loop / wait / loop custom node, though (e.g: is now after given date? if so, proceed, alse thread.sleep(10000) and then re-enter activity through self-looping transaction) - I tried it and it technically works, but does it risk hanging the whole PVM?
Yes as it can result in thread starvation
"emp.tyres" wrote :
| And would it behave correctly with persistence assuming e.g. JBoss is restarted? [I can provide the code if you think it could be useful for a test case]
| Not fullly, because it might be in a transaction and you could have had multiple retries already that get lost.
"emp.tyres" wrote :
| [BTW, this was triggered by "duedatetime" in timers throwing a org.jbpm.api.JbpmException: no 'jbpm.duedatetime.format' in current environment, adding the string to the jbpm.cfg.xml does not solve it - I could not find any JIRA for it - anyone had any success in using duedatetime?]
In 4? I myself not, but I've seen posts in the forum of people that have successfully used it.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4253302#4253302
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4253302
15 years, 4 months
[Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: JBoss server hangs in state started
by Oliver Roell
Our SysAdmin is back from holiday and has changed my TCP/IP-settings.
Eclipse still not recognizes that JBoss 4.2.3 has started, but "telnet localhost 1099" works now:
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| a3??xpw
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Eclipse recognizes that JBoss 4.0.2 has started, and this is the "telnet localhost 1099" from JBoss 4.0.2:
| üÃÂsr?java.rmi.MarshalledObject|â?ùÃÂcó>??I?hashlocBytest?[BobjBytesq~?xpê?ÃÂVur?[B
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My windows-firewall was disabled and there is no other firewall on my PC.
This is the complete "netstat -ab" after JBoss 4.2.3 has started in Eclipse 3.4.2:
| Aktive Verbindungen
| Proto Lokale Adresse Remoteadresse Status PID
| TCP roell:epmap roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 1084
| c:\windows\system32\WS2_32.dll
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
| c:\windows\system32\rpcss.dll
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
| [svchost.exe]
| TCP roell:microsoft-ds roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 4
| [System]
| TCP roell:2779 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:2780 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:2782 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:5555 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 2028
| [omniinet.exe]
| TCP roell:19226 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 376
| [Pagent.exe]
| TCP roell:1040 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 1416
| [alg.exe]
| TCP roell:1098 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:1099 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:3873 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:4444 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:4445 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:4446 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:5152 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 1960
| [jqs.exe]
| TCP roell:8009 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:8080 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:8083 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:8093 roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 200
| [javaw.exe]
| TCP roell:netbios-ssn roell.sip.local:0 ABHâ¢REN 4
| [System]
| TCP roell:2715 speedy.sip.local:microsoft-ds HERGESTELLT 4
| [System]
| TCP roell:2725 sblsrv.local.sip.de:telnet HERGESTELLT 3088
| [HOST32.EXE]
| TCP roell:2726 sblsrv.local.sip.de:telnet HERGESTELLT 3808
| [netterm.exe]
| TCP roell:2728 pegasus.local.sip.de:144 HERGESTELLT 2188
| TCP roell:5152 localhost:2606 SCHLIESSEN_WARTEN 1960
| [jqs.exe]
| TCP roell:1099 localhost:2784 WARTEND 0
| TCP roell:2783 roell.sip.local:2779 WARTEND 0
| UDP roell:4500 *:* 804
| [lsass.exe]
| UDP roell:isakmp *:* 804
| [lsass.exe]
| UDP roell:19226 *:* 376
| [Pagent.exe]
| UDP roell:microsoft-ds *:* 4
| [System]
| UDP roell:1025 *:* 804
| [lsass.exe]
| UDP roell:1900 *:* 1592
| c:\windows\system32\WS2_32.dll
| c:\windows\system32\ssdpsrv.dll
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
| [svchost.exe]
| UDP roell:ntp *:* 1188
| c:\windows\system32\WS2_32.dll
| c:\windows\system32\w32time.dll
| ntdll.dll
| -- unbekannte Komponente(n) --
| [svchost.exe]
| UDP roell:1044 *:* 748
| [winlogon.exe]
| UDP roell:netbios-ns *:* 4
| [System]
| UDP roell:netbios-dgm *:* 4
| [System]
| UDP roell:ntp *:* 1188
| c:\windows\system32\WS2_32.dll
| c:\windows\system32\w32time.dll
| ntdll.dll
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
| [svchost.exe]
| UDP roell:1900 *:* 1592
| c:\windows\system32\WS2_32.dll
| c:\windows\system32\ssdpsrv.dll
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
| C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
| [svchost.exe]
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4253300#4253300
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4253300
15 years, 4 months
[jBPM Users] - Re: Creating non technical Actions / WorkItems
by kukeltje
Sorry, but I have no knowledge of how drools workitems are configured/created/used in their 'GPD' etc (Drools 'workflow' is not something that is supported by JBoss), so
But besides this, I'm not completely sure what you mean by
anonymous wrote : I did a quick scan about the pvm-documentation but I realized that XML-Processing is made by each implementing api, which implicates that this document didn't help me to map such nodes to a common type ....
so if my comment below is not related, please shoot :-)
You are right in looking at the pvm documentation for extending jPDL 4. Adding new element types is possible this way but indeed not by 'mapping' them to an existing common node type by using e.g. an attribute value instead of an element name. Might be an interesting addition though. Aamof, the BPMN2 implementation on top of the pvm could use something like this as well.
The editor is a different story. With new (user defined) element names it is harder to extend than the runtime engine, but not completely impossible. Using attributes would make it a little easier.
With regard to your 40 days, I think it is very well possible to extend the existing jPDL (maybe even the pvm) and the GPD to support large parts of this (contributions always welcome, with 'support' from our side in return ;-) ) If you want to go this way, discussing this in the dev forum is a good thing to do.
View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=viewtopic&p=4253296#4253296
Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bb&op=posting&mode=reply&p=4253296
15 years, 4 months